![[Translate to English:] Frau in Malawi bei der Arbeit](/fileadmin/otg/04_Nachhaltigkeit/4.4.3_Malawi/Projekte-Malawi-XL.jpg)
Malawi: Tea 2020
Building up a competitive tea industry
Although Malawi is one of our most important tea-growing areas for black and green tea, it is not likely the first country that comes to mind when one thinks about tea. That is precisely what we are changing: we impart knowledge on-site about all aspects of successful cultivation and advocate for living wages. In doing so, we want to help build up a competitive tea industry that provides long-term income opportunities for the local people.
![[Translate to English:] Mann, lächelnd](/fileadmin/otg/04_Nachhaltigkeit/4.4.3_Malawi/Zwischenbild_1.png)
For living wages
Established together with the Ethical Tea Partnership (ETP), our project in Malawi is directed at plantation workers and self-employed small farmers. In this Southeast African country, living wages have yet to be established, but we are working towards achieving this. Therefore, we pay a voluntary premium on the raw ingredients we buy from there so that the people working in cultivation receive a fair wage.
![[Translate to English:] Arbeit auf der Teeplantage](/fileadmin/otg/04_Nachhaltigkeit/4.4.3_Malawi/Malawi-Collage.jpg)
Sustainable knowledge for small farmers
Thus far, the project has established 200 Farm Field Schools to provide people with the knowledge necessary to grow tea and other crops successfully long-term. More than 6,000 small farmers have graduated from these schools, and the knowledge acquired is paying off: 10 per cent more Malawian tea was sold in 2020 than in the previous year. In addition, we have set up savings plans with nearly 5,000 farmers – more than three-quarters of whom are women. They receive access to small loans that boost their economic freedom and, as a result, their self-confidence.
Helping people help themselves, also in Rwanda
In Rwanda, 47 Farmer Field Schools have also passed on valuable knowledge to nearly 1,500 farmers, a third of whom are female. Ninety-two per cent of the youngest graduates were able to increase their profit over the previous year. By 2022, we want to help an additional 4,500 people improve their income.
![[Translate to English:] Teepflückerinnen bei der Arbeit](/fileadmin/otg/04_Nachhaltigkeit/4.4.3_Malawi/Malawi-Collage2.jpg)